суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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So, tenatively, the Host and I�have reached an agreement to stop haunting dreams- and be..... Civil.� At least throughout the month of November.� No more pissing contests or power plays- we quietly accept the nature of our symbiotic relationship.�

Plans for The Last Will and Testament have been.....sticky.��Setting hand on the�concept that is Elizabeth�Lynn is like trying to catch a wet trout with my teeth�from a stream...full of razorblades.� She doesnapos;t want to be disturbed�for an PRACTICAL�purpose- she�only seeks�to haunt the hearts and mind of those she touches- not to be exposed and�used, and confess.��

Too bad: I�brought�you into the world- Iapos;ll do with you what�I�see fit.� Live with it.

I�realize becaue so much of what the reader knows to be true was told through�the eyes of Helen Bellachinno- very little of the true nature of the beast has been heard in the words of Beth Lynn.��And as LMB�was the last few years of her life- there is a mountain of mistakes and heartbreak to be�covered- and tell how�she went from one place to where she ended up.��

Part of me has stratigically planned�to�model her tale after LMB in the idea of a window story-�telling�LMB�from Bethapos;s prespective while, at the same�time,�monologuing her life with the mirrored occurances of her present day.�

We shall see.��


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