пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

army jeeps for sale in ohio

Its been almost 4 years since I�wrote in this journal. I damn near forgot I�had it. Shit has been crazy for the past few years. I joined the military back in 2006, been doin that ever since. In the past 2+ years the Air Force has taken me to 3 continents and is about to take me to at least one more. Most of the time I like it and Im glad that I joined. But there are those days that I wonder what life would be like had I stayed in Vegas and never joined the military. Some of the choices I have made in the past werent the best, but im not quite sure yet if I regret any of them...

Time will tell...
army jeeps for sale in ohio, army jeeps for sale willies, army jeeps sale, army jeeps vehicles for sale.

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